Amelkis W365 - Disclosure Management : automate, link, make reliable and share all your Word reports with W365

Word / Excel links, Amelkis EPM link, API to all types of Si, XBRL tagging ...

Zoom on the key features

Amelkis W365 offers you all the features of Disclosure Management in Microsoft Word

Word / Excel links

Automate the links between your Word reports and Excel tables with W365 technologyAutomate the links between your Word reports and Excel tables with W365 technology

Word / EPM links

Create automatic links between your Word reports and your Amelkis EPM data

Variable management

Make your texts dynamic with a list of customizable variables

Sharing reports

Share your W365 reports without any prerequisites (you don't need W365 access to read the amounts)

Format and scale management

You can output your data with the separator format, scale and decimals you require

Link security

W365 secures your links. No risk of them being modified without access to W365

XBRL tagging

W365 includes a module for tagging tables and text. Automatic xHTML conversion of Word documents


W365 features a secure, managed drive. Users assign rights to their data sources

Why choosing Amelkis W365 ?

Amelkis W365 is an incredible application that will revolutionize the creation of Word reports (available in Microsoft Store) !


Create Word reports linked to your Excel tables with Amelkis W365

Word/Excel links have many shortcomings. They require good technical knowledge. They make documents difficult to update, share and secure.

Amelkis W365 uses new technology to create fast, reliable and secure links that make Word documents perfectly sharable.

Key features of Amelkis W365 :

Quick installation

Storing source files

Quick link creation

Instant link updates

Scale and display format management

Access rights management

Office 365 sharing


Create Word reports linked to your Amelkis EPM reports with W365

Amelkis W365 is the ideal solution for all Amelkis EPM users.

Amelkis W365 lets you link tables, variables and narrative indicators. The form of the report is preserved with each update. W365 lets you go back to the original data. Amelkis EPM access rights apply automatically.

Key functions of Amelkis W365 :

Fast training

Standard reports

Quick link creation

Adjustment of amounts Amelkis EPM

Complete audit trail

Restitution of numerical or narrative data

Scale and format management

Application of Amelkis EPM access rights


XBRL : Tag your Word reports with Amelkis W365

Amelkis W365 lets you tag your Word reports directly.

Tagging is child’s play with W365! Tags persist in the document regardless of updates. This means you can prepare your tagging well in advance of publication, and generate your XBRL report at any time. What’s more, Amelkis experts are always on hand to help.

Key features of Amelkis W365 :

Tagging ESEF and CSRD standards

Quick tagging of text and tables

Tags persist despite data updates

End-of-process compliance report

Customize taxonomies by importing Excel files


Produce your reference documents with Amelkis W365

Amelkis W365 lets you create Word documents quickly, reliably and securely. W365 is particularly effective for reference documents.

This type of document usually involves five people (consolidators, finance department, communications, auditors). Over a period of several weeks, its content frequently evolves. Several versions are finalized and sent to the statutory auditors. Comments and notes are added. Finally, several versions are XBRL tagged.

Amelkis W365 will enable users to work more efficiently by tackling a number of technical issues that were previously unresolved.

Amelkis W365 retains Word as its main authoring tool, and Excel as its data source.

The improvements brought by W365 will therefore focus on :

Link management

Document sharing

Security and confidentiality

Simplifying XBRL tagging


Amelkis W365 is the ideal application for your CSRD report

Dès 2025, le reporting de durabilité (CSRD) deviendra obligatoire pour les grandes entreprises et les PME européennes.

This new obligation will eventually affect 50 000 companies in Europe, including 8 000 in France.

Rest assured, the format and organization of this report comply with precise standards that guarantee the comparability of European companies.

This standardization allows Amelkis to offer a packaged solution that includes :

A Word report template

An incredibly effective Disclosure Management solution : Amelkis W365

Expert assistance to meet your every need

An intuitive design interface

Amelkis W365 3
Amelkis W365 1
Amelkis W365 2

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